Curriculum Vitae
Personal Profiles:
Full name : Yuan Chen
Gender: Female
Date of birth: Jun. 1983
Citizenship: P. R. China
Status : Associate Professor
School of Mathematical & Computer Science, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, China
Tel: +86-151-7148-1386 (Cell phone)
E-mail: mathschenyuan@163.com
Experience and Education:
Visiting Scholar, 2017.8-2018.8, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, USA, Advisor: Prof. Guantao Chen.
Associate Professor, 2015.9~, School of Mathematical & Computer Science, Wuhan Textile University , Wuhan, China
Lecturer, 2006-2015 School of Mathematics & Computer Sciences, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan, China
Ph.D 2008.9—2013.6, Fundamental Mathematics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
M.S. 2003.9—2006.6, Fundamental Mathematics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
B.S. 1999.9—2006.6, Fundamental Mathematics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China
Research Interests:
Theoretic Graph Theory
Published papers
[1]. Y. Chen, G. Chen, Z. Hu, Spanning 3-ended trees in k-connected K1,4-free graphs, Sci. China Math.57(2014), no. 8, 1579-1586.(SCI)
[2]. G. Chen, Y. Chen, S. Gao, Z.Hu, Linked graphs with restricted length, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 98(2008), 735-751(SCI)
[3].Y. Chen, Y. Mao, Q. Zhang, On modulo linked graphs, FAW 2009, Lecture Note in Computer Science 5598, 173-180(EI)
[4]. Y. Chen, H. Qin, Z. Zhou, A Comparative Study on Multi-regression Analysis and BP Neural Network of PM2.5 Index, 2014 10th International Conference on Natural Computation, 155-159(EI)
1. (NSFC) The TianYuan Special funds for Mathematics of the National Science Foundation of China (Grant No.10521061), 2016.1-2016.12.¥3,0000
2. Youths Fund Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education(Grant No.Q20141069), 2014.1-2015.12, ¥2,0000