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推荐 | H. Eugene Stanley开设的《网络科学》课程主页与资源
2022-02-15 16:11 Jie  RCNS

Network Science
PY 895 Course Materials


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PyMOL Download.
[The site will ask for an email. Type in: hes@bu.edu]

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Slides: Class Lecture #1

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Albert-László Barabási
"Network Science: Luck or Reason"

Nature 489, 507-508 (2012).

A.-L. Barabási
Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means
for Business, Science, and Everyday Life

(Perseus Publishing, Cambridge MA, 2002).
E2094 in the Center for Polymer Studies Library

S. Dumais, M. J. Hawrylycz, J. Hill, B. Schölkopf, J. S. Sekhon, and R. M. Shiffrin
Drawing Causal Inference from Big Data

Natl. Acad. Sciences: Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia
(26-27 March 2015).
E2073 in the Center for Polymer Studies Library

S. Thurner, R. Hanel, and P. Klimek
Introduction to the Theory of Complex Systems

(Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018).

S. Wasserman and K. Faust
Social Network Analysis: Method and Applications

(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994).

O. Sporns
Networks of the Brain

(The MIT Press, Cambridge MA, 2011).

A. Barrat, M. Barthéllemy, and A. Vespignani
Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks

(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008).

J. D. Noh and H. Rieger
"Random Walks on Complex Networks
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 118701 (2004).

K. Börner, S. Sanyal, and A. Vispignani
"Network Science
Annual Rev. Information Sci. & Tech. 41, 537-607 (2010).

D. Brockmann and D. Helbing
"The Hidden Geometry of Complex, Network Driven Contagion Phenomena
Science 342, 1337-1342 (2013).

V. Latora and M. Marchiori
"Is the Boston Subway a Small-World Network?
Physica A 314, 109-113 (2002).

Y. Fujiwara, W. Souma, H. Aoyama, T. Kaizoji, and M. Aoki
"Growth and Fluctuations of Personal Income
Physica A 321, 598-604 (2003).

S. Boccaletti, G. Bianconi, R. Criado, C. I. del Genio, J. Gómez-Gardeñes,
M. Romance, I. Sendiña-Nadel, Z. Wang, and M. Zanin
"The Structure and Dynamics of Multilayer Networks
Physics Reports 544, 1-122 (2014).

S. Fortunato and D. Hric
"Community Detection in Networks: A User Guide
Physics Reports 659, 1-44 (2016).

Albert-László Barabási
Network Science
"Personal Introduction"

1: Introduction
2: Graph Theory
3: Random Networks
4: The Scale-Free Property
5: The Barabási-Albert Model
6: Evolving Networks
7: Degree Correlation
8: Network Robustness
9: Communities
10: Spreading Phenomena

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[Homework for the 2016 course.]

Homework #1 due 9 am, Friday, 30 September 2016.

Homework #2 due 9 am, Friday, 7 October 2016.

Homework #3 due 9 am, Friday, 14 October 2016.

Homework #4 due 9 am, Friday, 28 October 2016.

Homework #5 due 9 am, Friday, 18 November 2016.

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Paper by
Yutong Duan
"Degree Distribution in the Bitcoin Network."

Paper by
Jing Ma
"Zipf's Law in the Dynamical Importance of Network Nodes and Links."

Slides used in Presentation by
Sakib Matin
"Big Data meets Network Science."

Slides used in Presentation by
Xiangyi Meng
"Quantum Percolation Theory: Wave Localization on Topological Structures."

Slides used in Presentation by
Jing Ma
"Zipf's Law in the Dynamical Importance of Network Nodes and Links."

Slides used in Presentation by
Dr. Jianxi Gao
Northeastern University Center for Complex Network Research
"Crash Course in Handling Networks with MATLAB."

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Slides used in Presentation by
G. A. Pantelopulos, A. Bandara, and S. Song
"Probing the Chemical Similarity Network of Designed Inhibitors to the p53 binding site on MDM2."

Slides used in Presentation by
A. Becker, J. Wei, and A. Yi
"GDELT Database."

Slides used in Presentation by
D. Stelter and T. Heavey
"Knowledge Spaces as Networks."

Slides used in Presentation by
G. De Young and A. Kyrtsos
"Node interactions in Random Networks."

Slides used in Presentation by
C. Pun and T. Chen
"Limit Order Book in High Frequency Trading (HFT): A Network Approach."

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Pedagogical Resources:

L. Lü, D. Chen, X.-L. Ren, Q.-M. Zhang, Y.-C. Zhang, and T. Zhou
"Vital Nodes Identification in Complex Networks
Physics Reports 650, 1-63 (2016).

R. Durrett
"Some Features of the Spread of Epidemics and Information on a Random Graph
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107[10], 4491-4498 (2010).

F. Liljeros, C. R. Edling, L. A. N. Amaral, H. E. Stanley, and Y. Åberg
"The Web of Human Sexual Contacts
Nature 411, 907-908 (2001).

M. E. J. Newman
Network Data

(Online resource at the University of Michigan).

Dashun Wang, Chaoming Song, and Albert-László Barabási
"Quantifying Long-Term Scientific Impact
Science 342, 127-132 (2013).

Gregorio D'Agostino and Antonio Scala [eds]
Networks of Networks: The Last Frontier of Complexity

(Springer, Heidelberg, 2014).

Hiroki Sayama
Introduction to the Modeling and Analysis of Complex Systems

(Open SUNY Textbooks, Geneseo NY, 2015).

Albert-László Barabási
Linked: The New Science of Networks

[excerpt: pages 179-226]
(Basic Books, New York, 2003).

M. E. J. Newman
Networks: An Introduction

(Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010).

Gene Stanley's Home Page

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